It is ok to be afraid or fear something. We all have fears. If you say you don’t, then you simply fear being honest. Some fear driving over a bridge in a vehicle, losing control, and crashing into the cold waters below trapped in a car. I think this fear started with nightmares as a child. I live in Pittsburgh, and it's darn near impossible to travel any distance without traveling over a bridge. This fear is not a fear of heights, though. I have bungee jumped 250 feet and sky-dived, so clearly, heights have nothing to do with this fear. I still secure both hands on the steering wheel when driving over a bridge. I also take the inside lane if possible. I accept this fear, talk about it, laugh, and manage it. It does not prevent me from traveling or cause me to take detours. I did not move to the Midwest or avoid bridges when I travel. I accept it. Over the years, it has become less of an issue because I don't avoid the fear. A few bridges in the states still get the heartbeat elevated though. Fortunately for me, none are close to home. Seriously we all have concerns, and these fears can hold you back from accomplishing great things.
Fear is a POWERful emotion that can immobilize us. It can paralyze growth and leave us short of accomplishing goals.
Recognizing your fears and acknowledging them is the first step that allows us to create a positive and productive outcome. Before leaders can properly face their fear, they must recognize which areas of their life cause fear and anxiety. We all know people who never take a risk out of fear, never chase a dream, or challenge the status quo. This hesitation prevents many talented people from ever reaching their potential. They limit themselves, their vision, and ambitions and alter their goals because of fear.
We can use fear to motivate us. It can be the fuel we need to drive us to manage risks. Leaders must be resourceful, creative, and persistent to conquer fear, manage risk and achieve greatness. If you’re not honest with yourself, face your fears and manage them; fear will prevent you from accomplishing your goals and ambitions.
Calming your fears, working on happiness, and helping others isn’t always easy. If we succeed at any endeavor, then we will, at some point, need to push through fear and doubt. Have the courage to face your doubters. Let fear be the fuel that inspires you. Look fear in the face! Chase your dream, overcome fear and be that inspirational leader.
I will reference scenes from movies that inspire me to help influence others.
In the movie Pearl Harbor, there is a scene when FDR (who has polio) stands up on his own from his wheelchair without help and says, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Fear is what holds all of us back. Listen up! You have the POWER to rise above whatever fear is holding you back.
Let’s simplify it:
According to Zig Ziglar, you have two choices: Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise. You have the POWER to rise above your fear. Set yourself free.
-- S. Andrew Wright, Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Leader
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