Leadership Training

Lesson One: Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable

May 19, 2022

Lesson One & an excerpt from Power of One Book, authored by S. Andrew Wright.

Understanding the concept of being comfortable with being uncomfortable is a technique to refer to when you want to accomplish a goal but find yourself falling a little short. So, what we recommend is simple: create a goal and get working at it. Each week add to what you are already doing to accomplish this goal. When you have a setback, (and you will), get up, dust yourself off and get back at it.

When was the last time being status quo accomplished anything

If you honestly want to get to the next level in a relationship, personal development, or leadership, then maintaining status quo is not going to get it done. Yes, it is natural to be comfortable with just the same old same old. We resist change. We are quite comfortable it what we call normality.

Don’t rock the boat, right? Most of us develop routines or patterns in our lives. We form habits. Developing good habits can be very beneficial to maintaining consistency and establishing foundation for strong leadership. However, if you are looking for growth and getting to the next level, then simply being comfortable and doing your routine isn’t going to get you there.

Think of some of the most successful leaders you know. Consider what they have done to get to where they are. Allow what they have accomplished to inspire you.

Let’s use athletics for an example. You set a goal to be the be the best. The best on your team or the best in your league or simply the best you have ever been. Going to practice and participating everyday will deliver results, but everyone in practice is producing relatively the same effort that you are. Nothing separates you from the rest of the pack. It's comfortable, expected and it may even be required. Both physical and mental improvements require effort and effort requires you to push both mind and body to do things it has never done before. You must get uncomfortable. You must push your body and mind to a point that you struggle, even question yourself if you can do it. Then you push forward, not just merely holding the line, but pushing forward. You will have internal struggles, setbacks and failures along the way. Thomas Edison had a thousand failures before he invented the light bulb.

“Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward. - John Maxwell

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