Discover a New Leadership Learning Track, "You Can Handle the Truth". Contact Us Today for Details!
Understanding generations is so important to us as leaders! While some motivations differ from generation to generation, they do share similar desires. Employees of all generations, for example, want to work on teams with people they trust and care about. Leadership principles hold and have expanded for all generations while communication continues to be dynamic.
• Great leaders, establish relationships, connect and REALLY know their team
• But first, you'll need to understand generations and why they are the way they are
Power of One Leadership Consulting leads to customization and personalization of applications and training right for your organization. We take a day or two, tour your workplace and facilities, meet with leadership, middle management and employees and learn more about your current workplace culture and we define goals for training. Then, we schedule a 1/2 day workshop!
As managers are the next generation of leaders in a company, Power of One Leadership Training commits to and supports both upper and manager-level professional development. Better understanding the human elements and how they relates to motivation and growth enhances overall productivity, safety and workplace happiness.
Power of One Leadership Learning Track works with the organization's team to show individuals in the workplace that they too can become Leaders!
Team members will learn how to stand up in unsafe situations, how to become comfortable leading, and how they can be a positive influence in the workplace.
(412) 248-SAFE (7233)
7000 Stonewood Drive, Suite 222 Wexford, PA 15090